Sådan sælger du digitale produkter

Selling digital products is a great way to make passive income. You don’t have to worry about inventory or shipping, and you can spend as much time or as little on your business as you want. The first thing you need to do is to decide what type of product you want to create. Are […]

Hvor vigtigt er det at spore dit websteds metrics

Getting a website off the ground can be daunting, but it’s also exciting. You’ve got the opportunity to show people what you’re capable of, and you want to make sure they see it—that they love it and come back for more. But how do you know what to track? Which metrics matter most? Well, that […]

Forbered din webshop til feriesalg

The holiday season is a great time to launch and expand your online shop. With sales trending toward digital products and consumers flocking to online stores, businesses that haven’t already launched their online stores may want to consider getting started now—before it’s too late. The holidays are a busy shopping time and it is fast […]

E-mail marketing og e-handel - to sider af samme sag

E-commerce is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. However, it’s not enough to just have a great website and amazing products—you’ve got to keep your customers engaged if you want them to come back for more. That’s where email marketing comes in: it allows you to communicate with your customers on an ongoing […]

Sådan optimerer du webstedsbilleder: Tips og tricks

Product images are an essential part of your online store. They help you sell more products, gain trust from customers, and even boost your conversion rate. But did you know that there are a lot of factors that can affect the quality and performance of your photos? In this blog post we’ll show you how […]

Hvordan kører man en effektiv loyalitetsstrategi?

Many brands spend astronomical sums on customer acquisition strategies while forgetting to include in their marketing an essential element: customer loyalty. Acquiring new customers is certainly essential for the good development of a brand, but the issue of customer satisfaction is equally important. A solid marketing strategy cannot do without this vital tool! How do […]

Mød den ultimative Drag & Drop Designer i PosFox

If you’re looking for a simple way to create a website, then you’ve come to the right place. PosFox is a drag & drop website builder that allows you to create an awesome site without any coding or design skills. We don’t want to make things complicated, so we’ve made it really easy for anyone […]

Sådan gør du din hjemmeside mere synlig i søgemaskiner

Have you ever searched for something online and come across a website that seemed to be exactly what you wanted, but it wasn’t listed on the first page of search results? That’s because this site needs some optimization in order to get ranked higher. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It refers to how well […]