Languages and translations

Translate at ease

Reach your customers in their native language. Translate your website without any code and let users enjoy your content in their native language leaving no space for misunderstanding. 


Translate your website up to 14 different languages directly from your shop admin with ease and without using any third-party apps.


Language & Translations

If you like to customize your shop, even more, you can check our translations menu.


In there you can change the translation of every button, icon, or static text, no matter if it’s in the admin or in your shop.


Add translations for every language you’d like to have in your shop easy like a child’s play.



  1. From your shop admin go to Shop settings > Languages
  2. Click Add language
  3. Select the language you want to add
  4. Click Save

Yes, you can.

  1. From your shop admin go to Shop settings > Languages
  2. Click Add language
  3. Select the language you want to add
  4. Tap the language to make it Visible
  5. Click Save
  6. From the dropdown choose the language you want to translate your admin panel
  7. Click Save

PosFox offers up to 14 languages and is planning to release more languages in the coming months and years.

Yes, you can. You can use the Translations menu to change the translation of every button, icon, or static text, no matter if it’s in the admin or in your shop.

You don’t need a programmer to translate your website. No programmer skills are needed, too. You can add new translations directly through your shop admin panel and when you save the changes you’ll be able to see them immediately. 

No, you don’t need to install any app to make translations. You can make translations directly through your shop admin panel.

Yes, you can translate your SEO metadata into every language you add to your shop.

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