Simple checkout – Best practices

It’s important to know the best practices for checkout, as they can make a big difference in the number of customers who complete their purchase. You might think sending them to a page full of distracting images and links would help increase conversions, but actually, it does quite the opposite!

Provide a clear call to action

When it comes to designing a checkout flow, you want to help your users get from A to B as quickly and easily as possible. That means providing a clear call to action in addition to clear steps of what they’ll need to do next.

It’s not enough for your users just to know where they need to click; you also want them to feel confident that clicking that button will take them exactly where they want (and expect) it too.

Create one page checkout

One-page checkout is a fast and simple way to complete your purchase. It provides a smoother experience for your customers, improves the conversion rate, and does not require your customer to leave the page.

With PosFox you don’t have to use plugin or pay extra to creates an attractive “one-page” checkout flow that will increase sales. All PosFox shops have build in and easy to use one-page checkout.

Ask only for the needed information

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to checkout is asking for too much information from your customers. Asking for unnecessary information will only frustrate them, and might even lead to fewer sales in the end.

It’s important that when you ask customers for information on your site, you do so in a way that is relevant and beneficial to them—not just convenient for your business or product.

When asking for personal details like addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, try to avoid asking too many questions. Instead of asking the customer to enter their address twice, ask them if they would like to receive updates about products or promotions related to their purchase.

Add validation to fields

Credit cards and email addresses are two of the fields we at PosFox validate in checkout. We look for consistency in order to increase conversion rates and decrease cart abandonment— these validation checks only serve as a small percentage of what happens behind the scenes during checkout! We want to make sure that the person who is using the product is actually using their own email address, so we validate this field by making sure it has “@” in it. We also need to make sure that whoever is using the product has entered enough digits for their credit card number (and not just a bunch of letters).

Allow social login

Social login is an important part of the modern eCommerce experience. It’s more secure, convenient, and scalable than traditional login.

If your site doesn’t support social login, it’s time to get on board.

Remove distracting images and links

If you want to make your checkout as clear, concise, and easy as possible for people to fill out here are some tips to make sure your forms are the best they can be:

  • Remove any images or links that aren’t needed. Why clutter up a form with things that aren’t essential to collecting the information you need?
  • Make sure your text is clear, concise, and in a different color than the form fields.
  • Use an even different color for the buttons so it stands out from everything else on the page. This can help people who have trouble seeing blue.

Make your form responsive

Your checkout process should be easy to use on mobile devices. A user with a small screen can’t see as much information at once and may have trouble filling out your form. With PosFox your checkout page has already been designed to be responsive (meaning it will resize itself based on the device being used).

Offer guest checkout

Guest checkout is a faster way to complete your order and you can do it without creating an account or having to log in each time. It’s good for repeat customers, new customers, and returning customers. Guest checkout is available on desktop and mobile devices at PosFox shops.


In this post, we’ve covered the top best practices for optimizing your checkout forms for faster and easier conversion rates. We hope that you now feel better prepared to create an intuitive user experience that will make all of your customers happy!