Find Online Best-Sellers in 3 Simple Steps

Starting an online business is a great way to reach a global audience and make money from the comfort of your own home. But with so many products and services to choose from, it can be difficult to determine which items will be best-sellers. To help increase your chances of success, here are three simple […]

The Must-Have Elements for a High-Converting Homepage

There are several key elements that you should consider adding to the homepage of your e-commerce website. Let’s see them: Cover image Whether or not to include a cover image or banner on your homepage depends on the type of website you are creating and your goals for the site. A cover image or banner […]

All about the drag and drop builder

The easiest way to create an eye-catching homepage for your online store is by using a drag-and-drop builder. This is something that not every e-commerce platform has but PosFox is not one of them. In the following lines, we’ll explain to you what are the benefits of drag-and-drop functionality and how to design a stunning […]

Selling globally – mission possible?

Starting to sell globally can be a great way to expand your customer base and increase revenue for your business. However, it can also be a complex and daunting process. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some key steps you can take to start selling globally and navigate the challenges that come with it. Research […]

What pages you must include in your online store?

What are you looking for when you visit a website? If it’s not the product or service that the site offers, then it’s some information about that product or service. People want to know what they’re getting into before they commit any money or time to your business. That’s why it’s important to make sure […]

Does my shop need a wishlist, compare, and reviews

An eCommerce store is made up of different pages and features, each one with its own purpose. Some are designed to help your users find what they want, and others are meant to encourage them to buy products. An example of such pages are wishlists, compare products and reviews. These are three important features that […]

Simple checkout – Best practices

It’s important to know the best practices for checkout, as they can make a big difference in the number of customers who complete their purchase. You might think sending them to a page full of distracting images and links would help increase conversions, but actually, it does quite the opposite! Provide a clear call to […]

Does your webshop need a blog?

A blog, in the most basic sense, is just a page, a part of your website that gets updated regularly with fresh content. But for the purposes of this article, we’ll be taking it a step further and referring to blogs as “digital content aimed at users.” That means that unlike your newsfeed on Facebook […]

How important are Slogans in e-commerce business

Slogans are an important part of any marketing strategy. Whether they’re used in advertisements or on products, slogans can help you stand out in the minds of consumers. The right slogan can help your brand become known for something unique that it offers, and it can encourage customers to buy your product over your competitors. […]

E-commerce Color Palette. What to choose?

Colors are important! They can help you create a brand, they can make a design look more professional, and they can even help sell products better. However, there’s a lot of conflicting advice on the internet about what colors should be used in your e-commerce store and many factors that go into choosing an e-commerce color […]