What pages you must include in your online store?

What are you looking for when you visit a website? If it’s not the product or service that the site offers, then it’s some information about that product or service. People want to know what they’re getting into before they commit any money or time to your business. That’s why it’s important to make sure that your website has all of the essential information people will be looking for when they visit it. That includes:

About us

About Us is one of the most important pages on your website. This page should explain who you are, what your business does, and what sets you apart from your competitors.

You should include the following:

  • Who we are (name, location)

  • What we do (service offerings)

  • History of the company (if it’s relevant to your brand)

  • Company culture and values (examples of how people work together at your company)

  • Mission statement or vision statement

Site map

The site map, or index page, is a list of all the pages on your website. It is useful for both users and search engines because it helps people find their way around your site and allows search engines to crawl it easily. It should be visible on every page of your website.

Sitemaps can be structured in many different ways: as a list of links or as a diagram that shows how all the different pages are related to one another. The important thing is that it’s easy to find—in fact, Google actually penalizes sites without an easy-to-find sitemap!

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While website visitors should be able to find the information they need without any trouble, it’s important that you make it easy for them to contact you if they have questions or concerns. It’s also helpful to include a map of your business location if you have such in case someone needs directions.

You may want to include a form so that potential customers can submit their email addresses or phone number in order to receive updates about special offers and events. This is particularly important if you plan on collecting customer data.

Privacy policy

The privacy policy is the document that explains to your customers how you use their information, what information you collect and why. A good privacy policy helps build trust with your audience and can help boost conversions by making customers more comfortable with using your site or app. Your e-commerce website should include a clear explanation of the following:

  • What kind of information do you collect from your visitors, including whether you collect users’ names, email addresses, phone numbers, or other contact information

  • How do you use this data

  • Where your data resides (in which countries)

Terms and conditions

A terms and conditions page is a simple, straightforward explanation of the rules and regulations that govern your e-commerce site. It’s often just a few paragraphs long, and it should clearly state what you’ll do if someone violates your policies.

For example, let’s say that you have a policy saying that all refunds must be requested in writing within 30 days of purchase. A customer might ask for a refund after 37 days. In this scenario, your terms and conditions should explain how and why you can decline to honor the request.

The main purpose of having such policies set in stone is to protect yourself from fraudsters: people who try to take advantage of honest businesses by pretending they’ve never received their products or services—or claiming they’re damaged beyond repair.


The takeaway is that your e-commerce website should have all the information about the business that people are looking for. Visitors will be able to find out more about you and what you do on your website, including where you are located, who owns or works at the company in question, how they can contact others involved with running this new venture (and when they’re open), etc.