E-commerce Color Palette. What to choose?

Colors are important! They can help you create a brand, they can make a design look more professional, and they can even help sell products better. However, there’s a lot of conflicting advice on the internet about what colors should be used in your e-commerce store and many factors that go into choosing an e-commerce color palette—and they’re all equally important! Here are some things to consider before selecting colors:

The Psychology of Color

The e-commerce color palette is the first thing you see when you land on a website. It’s the first impression, and it makes a big difference in how customers feel about your brand. But it’s not just about feeling. Color can actually affect the way people shop online by influencing their decisions to buy or not buy from your store. You’ll ask why?  Color is the most important element in a product image because it has a powerful effect on our emotions and behavior. It can influence consumer buying decisions by triggering feelings, from peacefulness to excitement. Colors have different meanings and associations for different cultures, so it’s important to consider this when choosing your e-commerce color palette. For example, red is often associated with energy and passion in Western cultures but represents death and danger in other parts of the world. This means that red may not be an appropriate choice for your e-commerce color palette if you plan on selling products globally.

Color also plays an important part in brand recognition and recall, which is vital for e-commerce stores. In fact, color shapes how we perceive the world around us—and each other!

Colors influence perception

It’s a fact that color draws attention, makes you feel something, and helps create a connection between your brand and its consumers. But sometimes it can be difficult to figure out which colors will resonate with your audience most effectively—especially if you’re not sure what their preferences are in terms of color psychology or their personality types.

Colors can influence perception in a number of ways, but the most important is how they affect a customer’s experience. The color of your website and the colors used on your products are two ways to ensure that you’re sending the right message—that’s why it’s important to consider these things when designing your e-commerce site. You want to use colors that will make people feel positive about what they see, and that means keeping things simple and sticking with one or two main colors for both your product photography and branding materials. If you’re using multiple hues on both sides of the equation, it might be too much information for everyone involved.

The colors you choose will also help customers identify with or relate to what they see online—meaning that if you have an online store selling beauty products for women (or men), then pink should probably not be one of them! Colors like green are associated with healthful items; blue indicates trustworthiness; red symbolizes energy; black inspires luxury while white evokes cleanliness.

Making Color Decisions

The brain processes different kinds of information in different parts. For example, color and shape are processed in the visual cortex, whereas color and meaning (i.e., an emotion) is processed by the temporal lobe. So when you see your favorite shirt on a site with a red background, your brain is going to process that information differently than if you saw it on a purple background.

The type of color you choose for your site can greatly impact how people perceive your product or service — but only if they notice it!

It’s important to remember that the right color palette is one that’s both aesthetically pleasing and also speaks to the brand’s personality. In addition, it should be easy for customers to navigate—so if you’re selling products that require a lot of explanation, then you’ll want to make sure that each product has enough white space so that customers can easily read the text.

Another factor to consider is that certain colors will appear differently when viewed on different devices—for example, bright reds may look brighter on an iPad than they do on a laptop screen.

So what are some good ways to choose a color palette? One way is by looking at other sites in your niche—if you’re selling women’s clothing and shoes, then take a look at similar sites! You can also use tools like Adobe Color CC or Color Palette Generator for ideas about which colors work well together. And don’t forget: there are no hard-and-fast rules when it comes to choosing colors—sometimes it just takes some experimentation.

If you’re making color decisions for an e-commerce site, it’s best to use color theory. Color theory is the study of how colors interact with each other. It’s useful for graphic design, interior design, and product design because it helps designers choose certain colors for their designs that will create a harmonious or striking effect. For example, if you have a light blue background on your website and want to add some text in red on top of it, this could be visually distracting to your customers unless they’re using dark red text (which would blend into the background).

Colors directly influence our emotions and behavior—for example, studies have shown that people who wear red tend to perform better on tests than people wearing other colors like green or blue. You can also use these effects when choosing which products to sell based on their color schemes; many brands know what hues appeal most strongly to their target market so they’ll work out any kinks before launching new products into stores or online shopping carts!

To summarize

If you haven’t figured it out by now, colors are important! It can be used to convey a message, make a design more appealing or memorable, and draw attention to certain elements of a design. So what colors should you use? Here are some guidelines:

  • Color psychology is an important part of color theory and can help you choose the right colors for your designs. Keep these four principles in mind when choosing colors

  • Contrast: If a dark object is among lighter objects on the page, it will stand out more than if it were surrounded by darker objects

  • Warm colors (reds, oranges) evoke feelings of warmth and passion; cool colors (blues, greens) evoke feelings of calmness and serenity

  • Warm colors advance toward us; cool colors recede away from us


Now that you know how to choose the right color for your e-commerce store, you can get started on making sure that it’s successful. The key here is to remember that there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to color psychology. You need to test out different shades before settling on one; a good way of doing this would be by creating a mockup of your site in Photoshop or Sketch (or whatever software you use) so that each option looks exactly like it would online.